

What Is Blood Pressure?
Pressure Created By The Heart As It Pumps Blood Through The Arteries And The Circulatory System.
What Do Blood Pressure Numbers Mean?
Top Number (Systolic)= Pressure While Heart Is Beating
Bottom Number (Diastolic)= Pressure While Heart Is Resting Between Beats
How Can I Tell If I Have High Blood Pressure?
Usually No Symptoms! – “The Silent Killer”
May Have:
Blurry Vision
Chest Pain
Frequent Urination At Night
Blood Pressure Measurement:
Systolic Pressure= Pressure When 1st Sound Is Heard
Diastolic Pressure= Pressure When Last Sound Is Heard
Blood Pressure Cuff Size
Small – Children And Small Adults
Average / Large – Overweight And Large Adults


Blood Pressure Levels:
BP Category
Systolic (mmHg)
Diastolic (mmHg)
< 120
< 80
Recheck 2 Years
< 130
< 85
Recheck 2 Years
High Normal
130 – 139
85 – 89
Recheck 1 Year
Stage 1 (Mild HTN)
90 – 99
Confirm Within Months
Stage 2 (Moderate HTN)
100 – 109
Evaluate Within 1 Month
Stage 3 (Severe HTN)
180 Or > 180
110 Or > 110
Evaluate Immediately

What Causes High Blood Pressure?
Cause Unknown In 90 To 95% Of Cases = Primary Hypertension
Secondary Hypertension = 5 to 10%
Kidney Abnormalities
Narrowing Of Certain Arteries
Rare Tumors
Adrenal Gland Abnormalities
Controllable Risk Factors:
Increased Salt Intake
Lack Of Exercise  
Uncontrollable Risk Factors:
Age – Men Between Age 35 And 50
Women After Menopause
Race – 1 Out Of Every 3 African Americans – Higher Incidence In Non-Hispanic Blacks And Mexican Americans 
Women And High Blood Pressure:
Birth Control Pill
After Menopause
African Americans
How Does High Blood Pressure Develop?
Certain Nerve Impulses Cause Arteries To Become Larger (Dilate) Or Smaller (Contract)
If Vessels Wide Open-  Blood Flows Easily
If Vessel Narrows- Pressure Inside Increases Causing Hypertension
What Does High Blood Pressure Do To My Body?
2.Congestive Heart Failure
3.Kidney Failure
4.Heart Attack
5.Heart Rhythm Problems
What Can I Do?
High Blood Pressure Is A Lifelong Disease
Blood Pressure Can Be Controlled Not Cured
Controlling Blood Pressure Will Reduce The Risk Of Stroke, Heart Attack, Heart Failure And Kidney Disease
Loose Weight If Your Overweight
Get Regular Physical Activity
Avoid Excessive Alcohol
Stop Smoking
Manage Your Stress
Decrease Salt Intake
Eat For Heart Health
Discuss The Use Of Oral Contraceptives With Your Doctor
Discuss The Use Of Some Medications With Your Doctor
Ten Commandments For Blood Pressure Control:
1.Know Your Blood Pressure:  Have It Checked Regularly
2.Know What Your Weight Should Be: Keep It At That Level Or Below
3.Don’t Use Excessive Salt In Cooking Or At Meals: Avoid Salty Foods
4.Eat A Low-Fat Diet
5.Don’t Smoke
6.Take Your Medicine Exactly As Prescribed: Don’t Run Out Of Pills Even For A Single Day
7.Keep Your Appointments With The Doctor
8.Follow Your Doctors Advice About Exercise
9.Make Certain Family Members Have Their Blood Pressure Checked Regularly
10.Live A Normal Life In Every Other Way

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