Category: ANATOMY

Pharyngeal arches/ Branchial arches

Pharyngeal arches/ Branchial arches Pharyngeal arches are structures that are critical to the understanding of the development and the anatomy of head and neck. Sometimes they are referred to in the literature as visceral arches, or branchial arches, but the term pharyngeal arches is currently preferred.   What are pharyngeal arches? Pharyngeal arches are a series

Daily Quiz [Anatomy]

Daily Quiz Anatomy (19-  06- 2017) 1. Cell present in cerebellar cortex are all except a. Purkinjeb. Bipolarc. Granuled. Golgi 2. Boundary of triangle of auscultation is not formed bya. Serratus anteriorb. Scapulac. Trapeziusd. Latissimus dorsi 3. Which of the following brainstem nuclei is not derived from the alar platea. Inferior olivary b. Substantia nigra c. Dentate d. Hypoglossal 4. Trendelenburg test is positive due to injury to which of

Daily Quiz [Anatomy]

Daily Quiz  Anatomy  (04-  06-  2017) 1. Sphincter of Oddi consists of a. 2 sphinctersb. 3 sphinctersc. 4 sphincters d. 5 sphincters  2. All of the following muscles retract the scapula excepta. Trapeziusboid majorb. Rhomboid majorc. Rhomboid minor d. Levator scapulae 3. Boundary of triangle of ausculation is not formed by a  Serratus anterior b. Scapula c. Trapezius d. Latissimus

Daily Quiz [Anatomy]

Daily Quiz Anatomy (21- 05- 2017) Ureterix peristalsis is due to intact supply of Sympathetic innervationParasympathetic innervationBoth sympathetic and parasympatheticIntrainsic smooth muscle pacemaker activity of renal calyces True about left renal vain Posterior and inferior to sup. mesenteric arteryPosterior and superior to superior mesenteric artery Anterior and inferior to sup. mesenteric arteryAnnterior and superior to

Daily Quiz [Anatomy]

Daily Quiz ANATOMY (20- 05- 2017) In forceful inversion of foot, fracture of the tuberosity of 5th metatarsal is due to pull exerted by Peroneus longusby Peroneus brevisby Peroneus tertiusby Extensor digitorum Primitive streak is initiated and maintained by Nodal gene BMP4FGFBrachyury gene Watershed area between SMA and IMA which commonly result in ischemia is

Daily Quiz [Anatomy]

Daily Quiz ANATOMY (14- 05- 2017) Covering of Graffian follicle are all EXCEPT Theca externaTheca InternaGerminal cellsGranulosa cells Intervertebral disc is an example of : Hyaline cartilageFibrocartilageElastic cartilageFibroelastic cartilage Weakest support of uterus is ? Mackenrodt’s ligamentUterosacral ligamentRound ligamentBroad ligament Protractor of scapula is ? Serratus anteriorRhomboidis majorDeltoidPectoralis major Which of the following is a